I finally got interested about the Home Assistant Voice as I found it supports my native Language, Finnish, out of the box. That would be…
I’ve had Deconz (using Conbee II) as Zigbee coordinator for years now, but now it’s time to see if the grass is more green on…
If you’re following me on Instagram, you might already know that I’ve got solar panels installed on to my roof recently! So far I’ve not…
Few weeks ago I made calculations between driving a combustion car and fully electric vehicle. With these gasoline prices in Finland (~2.5€/l) and electric prices…
Spring is here and summer is just behind the corner. Last weekend it was time to take out the trustworthy Weber Genesis II gas grill…
I already have few Fibaro Z-Wave smoke sensors at summer home and I’ve been happy with those so why not use the same types at…
The great plan was to move my pre-build zwave2mqtt gateway to summer home and just pair newly added thermostats in place.. however, not everything went…
When we renovated the house almost three years ago, I installed electric floor heating to all of my four bedrooms. Since then I’ve been using…
Our drinking water is coming out from the well using an industrial grade submersible pump. Every time we come back to the cottage we have…
A while ago I found Meross MSG100 Garage Door Opener deal from Amazon.de with a price of 29.90€. I’ve been looking for a replacement for…